Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First of all...

Hello people!

Well, first of all, let's introduce each other: I'm Black Papermoon, a dreamy 19 year-old student. What do I study? I'm with an English Studies degree at the university: I study language, literature, history...

More about me... (the university is not very interesting...) Oh, I do love Japan and almost evey thing which comes from there. I'm really into manga and anime and I also love Japanese fashion, specially lolita. I like cosplay too and now I'm able to use the sewing machine I'll do some without my mum's help. I love literature (every kind of it) and if I like it, I can read a book in some hours. Currently I'm writing a short novel and I'll just say it's a mix between Kamikaze Girls and Alice in Wonderland.

I don't have much more to write right now. I hope you enjoy reading about my crazy live as student and as a strange person.

What about you? Would you like to introduce yourselves? Whenever you want to say something, feel free to give a star and we'll get a sky full of diamonds.

~Good night and good luck~

P.S: Please, try not to be rude in your comments or I'll have to delete them. I can accept any point of view, not censoring you, but just try to say things in a polite way. As Goethe said, A man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.

P.S.2: If you like literature you can visit my other blog, The Importance of Being Literate. I'll comment there poems, novels and plays. I post them in their original language and in Spanish too (because I'm Spanish) but if know the language, you trust on GoogleTranslate or just want to read the writings (generaly) in English, you can visit it.

0 shining stars: